Sunday, February 27, 2011


To me, revisions are taking a piece of work I've written and take the notes that the class or teacher has given me on it and consider it to better improve that work.  Since I'm a terrible writer usually everything I change when I get criticism back.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Story Time!

5 Things Told In the Past 3 Days:

1. To Kevin: Crazy makeup lady kept talking to me when I had a huge stack of magazines in my arm then she put more of hers on top of my arm.  I wanted to kill her!

2.  To Brian:  Over by the art magazines, there's a family of kids camped out with a picnic of food, drinks, and children's books.  They have been there for like 4 hours.

3.  To Mom:  Zach Braff is from New Jersey.  He grew up in South Orange.  He's the actor from Scrubs.  He's the white guy next to the black guy.

4.  To Dad:  There is something wrong with the internet connection.  I can't get onto the internet.

5.  To Borders Customers:  Borders is not going out of business.  The store is staying open and only selected stores like the one in Garden State Plaza mall is closing.  Business operations is going on as normal. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

John Steinbeck

One of my favorite stories by John Steinbeck is Of Mice and Men.  I've re-read that story so many times I've lost count.  The ending is so depressing and always makes me cry whenever I read the part of George shooting Lennie for something he had no control over.  Lennie is just so innocent it shouldn't have been his fate.

Here is a link to Mr. Steinbeck