Friday, February 4, 2011

John Steinbeck

One of my favorite stories by John Steinbeck is Of Mice and Men.  I've re-read that story so many times I've lost count.  The ending is so depressing and always makes me cry whenever I read the part of George shooting Lennie for something he had no control over.  Lennie is just so innocent it shouldn't have been his fate.

Here is a link to Mr. Steinbeck


  1. I was assigned to read Of Mice and Men (named after a Robert Burns poem) in high school and I just never did it. It wasn't until college that I actually sat down and read the book, and I immediately loved it. The story is so emotional and completely unfortunate, because there really is nothing else to do but shoot Lennie in the end.

  2. The story is very moving and it did move my emotions. I wouldnt say i cried, but i like that you admitted you did. Theres nothing wrong with shedding tears sometimes.

  3. And then there's the counter-argument that it was courageous of George to have shot Lennie, since he saved him from what could have been a worse fate at the hands of Curley and gang. Regardless, I agree, it's a tear-worthy read.
